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English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Here at Sacred Heart Primary School, we recognise bilingualism as a strength and celebrate the rich diversity that different cultures bring to our community. English as an Additional Language is a valuable asset to your child's education and here you will find ideas and resources to support your child as they learn English.

As part of World Book Day on 4th March, some of our wonderful children, parents and staff have recorded themselves reading stories in their home language for you to enjoy. If you wish to add your own story, we would love to include more so please do get in contact. Click on the link at the bottom of this page to listen to some of them. 

Furthermore, if you have any suggestions for our EAL page or any websites that you have found particularly helpful for your child to support their learning of English, we would welcome the opportunity to share these with other families.

Mrs Cave and Mrs Puri (EAL Coordinators)

Mrs Cave:

Mrs Puri:
