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Parish Links

Sacred Heart Primary is the parish school of Sacred Heart Church, Wimbledon and proudly works in close partnership with the parish. Each term, the school choir represents the school at the Sunday 10 am family Mass, singing, reading and participating in the offertory. 

Liturgical Events

Canon David, Fr Jackson, and Fr David celebrate Mass at the school with families and parishioners in attendance.  Local parishioners including the elderly, ex-parents and grandparents enjoy attending Mass and celebrating holy days of obligation as well as feast days with the school community. During Lent and Advent, the clergy attend Reconciliation Services written and led by the children, followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation for those who have made their First Confession.  

Teaching and Learning

The clergy also support teaching and learning throughout the year. Since our 2019 Section 48 inspection, we have worked hard to further strengthen these links by ensuring children experience more spirituality in the Church environment.

In addition to the Carol Service and singing at Sunday Mass, pupils visit the church for Mass followed by activities or workshops on their RE topic. These are led and supported by the clergy and/or youth minister, Rob Hitchcock. 

In addition to the scheduled activities/workshops below, there are further opportunities for the clergy and parish team to support teaching and learning, such as participating in Y6's Prodigal Son trial. 

Church visits

Pupils will attend the 10am Mass followed by an activity linked to their RE topic.





Vocation & Commitment

A day in the life of (a priest, nun, faith minister) / interview



Ecumenism, Church and Diocesan communities – how the Churches work together

Rec, Y1, Y2


Being sorry, forgiving others – short reconciliation service



Commitment & Service

The marriage ceremony explained



Parts of the Mass  - explained/modelled



Faith Minister (and PPC member), Rob Hitchcock, visits the school each week to lead the Faith Club attended by the school's Chaplaincy Team (Prayer Leaders). Using the Caritas resources, together, they explore Catholic Social Teaching principles alongside current affairs, exploring ways to follow these principles in our daily lives. 

Governance and Parish Pastoral Council

Deacon Julian (RE Link Governor) and David Hurst, Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) members, sit on the Ethos committee. School staff and parents also sit on the Parish Pastoral Council, further strengthening parish links.

Parish Projects and Events

The school participates in many projects and events within the parish. These have included:

- Sacred Heart Feast Day Church celebrations

- Induction Masses

- The Heart Project - supporting the sponsorship of a refugee family

- CAFOD's Live Simply Award

- Katy's Songbirds Concerts (Christmas, Jambo Bwana)


The school regularly features in the parish magazine, Edgeways: