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Catholic School Inspection (CSI)

Catholic School Inspection (CSI) previously named "Section 48 Inspections", conducted under Canon Law and Sections 48/50, aims to report to and advise the Diocesan Bishop on the quality of religious education and the Catholic life of the school. It also informs parents, carers, and the wider community about the school’s religious education standards and celebrates its role as a Catholic community. Inspections are carried out by nationally trained inspectors from the Catholic Schools Inspectorate.

There are three judgement areas:

  • Catholic Life and Mission
  • Religious Education
  • Collective Worship

Sacred Heart was previously inspected in November 2019 and was judged 'outstanding' overall. The report set two improvement targets. A summary of our actions to meet these targets can be found below. 

1) Look to provide more opportunities for pupils to access and experience spirituality in the parish church environment.

Whilst the implementation of this target was hindered during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have strengthened opportunities for pupils to experience the parish church environment by: participating in Sunday Masses (singing, reading etc.), leading the KS2 Carol Service, retreats, parish events e.g. Parish Feast Day, Katy’s Songbirds Charity events, Edge Hill Players, planned cycle of visits /workshops linked to RE Curriculum, cycle of attending 10am Mass, inviting parishioners to school Masses. 

2) Provide more opportunities for all staff to be active in the provision of school Collective Worship

Updating the Prayer and Liturgy timetable to include opportunities for all teaching staff to lead prayer and worship (class/phase worship), 5 staff (support staff, teachers and leaders) are trained Eucharistic Ministers, regular CPD including training on the 4-part worship, progression in pupil-led worship, Mark 10, Wednesday Word, Godly Play/creative approaches, increased opportunities for staff prayer so that staff experience a wider variety of prayer and spirituality for their spiritual development and as a model for the children.

We are confident that we have met the targets set in 2019 and improved provision in these areas. 

10% of Curriculum

Religious Education is allocated 10% of Curriculum time as required by the Bishops' Conference.

Timetables are monitored to ensure 10% RE teaching and learning is allocated and planned. RE is not taught within a single afternoon; instead, taking place across 2-3 sessions across the week. Books are also monitored to ensure that they evidence 10% teaching time.