How you can help (PSA, funding, donations, volunteers)
Our Parent, Staff Association
The PSA publishes weekly updates in the school newsletter. They are always looking for new members so if you would like to support the PSA with their fundraising efforts to enable them to support bigger school projects please contact If your employer offers matched funding or if you have any useful contacts with businesses or funding organisations the PSA would also love to hear from you.
Our Governors' Maintenance Fund
As a ‘Voluntary Aided’ faith school, our school community has to pay 10% of the value of any capital funding we receive to support ongoing maintenance and improvements to the school’s facilities, building and environment.
Like all voluntary-aided faith schools, we ask parents every year to donate to our maintenance fund to enable the school to pay our contribution when needed. We ask for an annual donation of £100 from each family. We do understand that it is a very difficult time for many families so the amount you donate is up to you and should only be to a value that your circumstances allow.
Donations can be made either by Standing Order or using ParentPay. If you prefer to make smaller, regular payments you may find it more convenient to set up a Standing Order using the following bank details: Barclays PLC, Account Name: Sacred Heart Maintenance Fund, Sort Code: 20 96 89, Account Number: 50790869. Please use your surname as a reference.
We are very reliant on the generosity of parents and friends to ensure there is sufficient money in the Governors’ Maintenance Fund both for routine maintenance of our school buildings and to help towards the long-term development of our school. The Governors thank you for your donations and for your continued support of our school.
Our Curriculum Enrichment Fund
As you are probably aware, school budgets are under more and more pressure. In 2021 we set up a ‘Curriculum Enrichment Fund’. We ask for a termly contribution of £10 per child and this is collected through ParentPay accounts. We are very grateful to the families who contribute regularly. These voluntary contributions directly benefit every child in the school by funding resources that we would not otherwise be able to afford, from books and software licences to consumables such as ingredients for baking, art and craft materials and sand.
We are keen to stress that this is a voluntary contribution and families are not under any pressure to contribute financially. We recognise that whilst some families are not in a position to give money, they help our school in many other ways. We also appreciate that some families will be happy to contribute more. We assure you that all children are treated equally irrespective of whether or how much their parents contribute.
Parent Volunteers
We are always looking for parent volunteers to help with:
- Reading in class
- Displays / resources
- Gardening
If you are able to commit your time regularly (weekly or fortnightly) for the year, please contact our Inclusion Lead, Mrs James,
We thank you in advance.