PSHE and wellbeing is an integral part of our school.
PSHE is taught weekly in all year groups throughout the school and we share and celebrate our learning in class PSHE books. Pupils in Y5 and Y6 have their own reflective journals also.
As Sacred Heart, we follow the Jigsaw PSHE scheme which is a progressive, detailed and comprehensive scheme of learning for ages 3-16. Jigsaw aiming to prepare children/young people for life, helping them really know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. Jigsaw is a popular scheme adopted by many school in Merton and was adopted by all primary schools within the Catholic Deanery as part of our partnership work with the Mental Health Trailblazer.
PSHE Intent, Implementation and Intent 2020
Jigsaw Curriculum Map
Relationships and Sex Education
- Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School Relationships and Sex Education Policy 2021.docx
- SRE Powerpoint for Parents 2022.ppt
- Department for Education RSE in Primary Schools guide for parents.pdf
- Journey in Love objectives mapped to National Curriculum for Science and Relationships.docx
RSE Parent Meetings 2022 Zoom meeting Links |
Monday 16th May, 9 am |
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 971 5335 6374 Passcode: VbrE2J |
Tuesday 17th May, 5:30 pm |
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 981 6889 1969 Passcode: eY1D6Y |
Tuesday 24th May, 9 am |
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 986 2723 8383 Passcode: 27CBvu |